Track 2

Sessions 8C 9C 13C

C2 Concepts, Theory, Policy, Methodology and Approaches

Chair:  Russell Bryant

Session 8C

Paper 22 James Gibson - Applying first principles to reframe how we enable the 5th Generation Force paper presentation

Paper 4 David Alberts - Is a Bespoke Design for Multi-Domain C2 Necessary? paper presentation

Paper 76 Gordon Niven and David Capewell - The Variety Calculus - an alternative proposition for command & control in a complex world paper presentation

Session 9C

Paper 46 Mats Carlerby and Björn Johansson - Sensor C2 in a future operational environment - A Suggestion for an experimental study paper presentation

Paper 72 Mark Nissen, Shelley Gallup, Paul Shigley and Robert Tanner Power Implications within Command and Control Organizations: New Insights through Knowledge Measurement paper presentation

Paper 36 Anders Josefsson, Björn Marcusson, Joseph Anderson and Arne Norlander - Mission Command when waging cyber operations paper presentation

Session 13C

Paper 42 Ulrik Spak - Effective and efficient command and control: A concept method for inquiring the impact of visual representation on order quality paper presentation

Paper 52 Nina Figueira, Marlos Corrêa, Angelo Borzino, Pierre Mattei and Giancarlo Niedermeier Belmonte - C4ISTAR Evolving C2 Brazilian Army Doctrine - A Tactical Study of an Amazonian Scenario paper presentation