Track 1:

Collective C2-Harmonization

(004) paper presentation

Applying a Mission-Engineering Thread Approach Using Sense-Decide-Effect to the Problem of a Common C2 System for UxS

John O’Neill, Joshua McDonald, SQNLDR Ben Heaton

(009) paper presentation

The Anatomy of Command and Control: a Generic Functional Model

Gordon Niven

(016) paper presentation

Multi-Domain Targeting through Battle Rhythm Modelling for Superior Decision Making

Takuma Adams, Jeffrey Davis, Michael Francis

(022) paper presentation

Organizational Structure and Consensus Emergence of Team Trust Perceptions within Command and Control (C2) Systems

Michael T. Chapman, Julien Corsin, Micah Wilson, Luke Strickland, Mengbin Ye, Carly Brade,

Mark Griffin, Marylene Gagne, Karina Jorritsma, Tom Gedeon. Daniel F. Gucciardi

(025) paper presentation

Coalface Perspectives on C2 Capability Governance: An Interview Study

Dr. Per Wikberg, Maj. Ralph. Dekker, Ms. Magdalena Granåsen. Jonas Herkevall, Dr. David Bryant,

Mr. Rich Cooke, Dr. Paul Gaertner, Dr. Marie-Eve Jobidon, Dr. Alexander Kalloniatis

(029) paper presentation

Dynamic Effects of Social Media Information on Command and Control Performance

Xinyun Hu, Linh Bui, Guihyun Park, Penny Sweetser, Wesley McTernan, Samantha Stanley, Eryn Newman, Sabrina Caldwell

(030) paper presentation

MURA Snapshot Survey: Validation of Culture and C2 Agility Scales

Rachel Mate and Wesley McTernan

(044) paper presentation

A Future C2 Concept Designed to Guide Capability Development

Magdalena Granåsen, Niklas Hallberg, Anders Josefsson and Johan Ivari

(047) paper presentation

Exploring the Effects of Future Technologies on C2

Magdalena Granåsen, Jonas Herkevall, Gustav Tolt, Björn Johansson

(050) paper presentation

Team Up for Success Harnessing Participatory Sense-making with the Harmonization Emergence Model

Johan Ivari and Annette Nolan

(057) paper presentation

Modelling Multi-Domain C2 With Network Synchronisation: Testing a NATO-SAS-143 Hypothesis

Alexander Kalloniatis

(068) paper presentation

What Mission Command is Not

Murat Balci