Track 8:

Military C2 Applications, Requirements, Concepts, and Solutions

Chair: Keith Stewart

(in order of presentation)

T8-017 paper presentation

Natalia Derbentseva

Procedural knowledge loss due to military posting cycles:

The need for better understanding its impact on organizational performance

T8-033 paper presentation

Sebastian Stucken, Piro Lena, Michael Gerz, Nico Bau

Bi‐Temporality in a Military Information Model

T8-026 paper presentation

Timothy McLennan-Smith, Phuong La, Alexander Kalloniatis

Shaping Partner Battle Rhythm Design through Visualisation 


T8-025 paper presentation

Scott Fang, Shadi Ghajar-Khosravi, Geoffrey Ho, Vladimir Zotov, Robert Collins,  Ming Hou 

A Human Factors Perspective on Information Fusion, Data Analytics and Decision Support

for Command-and-Control Modernization Concepts 

T8-009 paper presentation

Mark E Tillman 

 Agile C2 Inspired Approaches: Bridging Theory to Practice 

T8-042 paper presentation

Keith Stewart

Continuing the debate on Russian command approach: Are we seeing a mission command approach?


T8- 063 paper presentation

Dr. Paul Shigley, José Carreño, George Galdorisi, Clare Morton, Robert Tanner

Focus on Commander’s Intent to Improve C2