Track 3
Coping with Constraints, Complexity and Ambiguity
Chair: Valerie Lavigne
(in order of presentation)
Sigmund Valaker, Rune Stensrud, Arne Cato Jenssen, Walther Åsen, Astri Maria Ravnå Nyaas, TarjeiAndersen
Shifting between coordination forms: The role of competencies and organizational structure
Isabelle Turcotte, Marie-Eve Jobidon, Philip Farrell, Sébastien Tremblay
The C2 Agility Model in a Crisis Management Situation: An Empirical Test
Andrew Leggatt, Chris Baber, Simon Attfield, Shailey Minocha, Emmeline Elliott, Bob Fields,
Rob Hutton, Peter Cowell-Smith, Steve McNeillie
Assessing Distributed Sensemaking Performance in Command and Control: Results from an Exploratory Study
Darius E. Jefferson II and Andre V. Harrison
Baseline Assessment of Object Detection Models on Partially Occluded Objects and their Parts
Gordon Niven and Lt Gen Sir David Capewell (rtd)
The Variety Calculus Planning Methodology – An alternative planning concept for complex operations