27th ICCRTS Plenary Sessions

Command and Control in a Digitally Enabled Operational Environment

Brigadier-général Stephane Boivin

Commander, 2nd Canadian Division and Joint Task Force (East)

Cyber Warfare Analysis Challenges

John J Garstka

Director, Cyber Warfare, US Department of Defense

Panel: C2 Resilience in sub-Threshold Warfare

  Chair:  Dr. Paul Gartner

DSTG, Department of Defense, Australia


Dr. Dragos Calitoiu, Defence Research and Development Canada

Dr. Jim Hill, Dstl

Dr. Phil Farrell, Defence Research and Development Canada

Robert Dixon, Canadian Joint Warfare Centre

Dr. Daniel Salmond, Defence Science & Technology Group

Bruce Forrester, Defence Research and Development Canada

Lt Col Robert Kace, UK MOD