Track 5

Emerging Concepts and Technologies

Chairs: Bruce Forrester and Zachary Devereaux

Thread 2: AI Modeling

T5-061 paper presentation

Matt Offord

Agent Based Modelling to demonstrate self-synchronisation at the Battle of Trafalgar:

a demonstration of computational methods for teaching Command and Control


T5-015 paper presentation

Dr. Jamal Rorie, Dr. Benjamin Michlin, Mr. Josh Duclos, Mr. Dean Lee, Mr. Gary Williams

Readiness Predictions for the MH-60 Seahawk with the Digital Aviation Readiness Technology Engine


T5-023 paper presentation

Bjørn Tallak Bakken, Inger Lund-Kordahl, Ina Sandberg 

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology

in Systematic Inter-Professional Crisis Management Training


T5-034 paper presentation

Anne-Claire Boury Brisset

Robust and Trusted Artificial Intelligence through Refined Processes

and Metrics for Military Applications