Understanding and Coping with Complexity

Chairs: Russell Bryant, Emmeline Elliott, Alex Kalloniatis, Marielle Moktari


(9) Sowing Discord, Countering Fear: Force Protection and Resilience to Disinformation

Meghan Fitzpatrick — paper presentation


(21) Convergence in Understanding Complex Information Environments Through Error Reduction

Matthew Duncan and Ritu Gill — paper presentation


(28) Avoid Predictability in COA Development for Missions Coping with Complexity

Isabell Andersson, Anders Josefsson, Christer Svanborg — paper presentation


(43) Organizational Agility and Resilience: Lessons from Distributed Operations — paper presentation

Jose Carreno, Scott Crellin, Patricia-Ann Paule, Shane Riley, Glenn Tolentino, John Wood


(53) Unsupervised creation of profiles for information filtering — paper presentation

Ahmed Owais, Gökgöz Fahrettin, Hans-Christian Schmitz


(76) C2 support in complex and dynamic situations — paper presentation

Judith van de Kuijt and Deborah Lassche


(85) Is the Future of C2 Doctrine Anti-Positivis? — paper presentation

Tim Grant


(89) Assessing the Endeavor Space using the C3Fire Microworld — paper presentation

Oscur Bjurling,  Rego Granlund, and Bjorn Johansson


(107) Assessing Information Effects within a Complex Multi-Domain Operation — paper presentation

Gavin Pearson, Chris Parry, Paul Stanley and Brian Stewart


(108) Command and Control States as a means of enabling C2 Resilience — paper presentation

Alexander Bain


(110) Enhancing Sensemaking: Supporting Distributed Groups in the Future Operating Environment — paper presentation

Elliott, E., Attfield, S., Minocha, S., Fields, B.,Hutton, R., Baber, C.