C2 in the Information Age Track

Chairs: Anthony Alston Paul Gaertner Bruce Forrester

(27) Coronavirus: Gray Zone Tactics in Cyberspace — paper presentation

Ritu Gill, Meghan Fitzpatrick, Anthony Seaboyer, Matthew Duncan

(36) Quantum Communication for Military Applications paper presentation

Niels Neumann, Maran van Heesch, Patrick de Graaf

(39) Understanding Urban Operational Environments By Integrating Human and Physical Domains - paper presentation

Marie-Eve Jobidon and Marielle Mokhtari

(60) Mathematical Modelling of Headquarters C2 Battle Rhythm for Multi-Domain Operations - paper presentation

Alexander Kalloniatis

(65) BPMN-Driven Real-Time Mission Awareness - paper presentation

Brian Krisler, David Diller, Jeff Miller, Tyler Marshall and John Myers

(91) Towards a Deception Framework for Social Media - paper presentation

Bruce Forrester and Frederike Von Franqué

(111) Modeling Value of Information in Command and Control Domain - paper presentation

Jade Freeman

(120) Enabling and Managing Data Provenance in a Command and Control Environment - paper presentation

Jeff Waters, Cheryl Putnam, James Chao and Barbara Rasmussen

(122) Agile Control: Distributed Collaborating Deciders - paper presentation

John O'Neill, RickyBallard, DaveTurner, Milan Koprek, Roger Symons, Peter Davies and Gina Kingston