Track 6
Sessions 14A 15A
Interoperability, Integration and Security
Chair: Kevin Galvin
Session 14A
Paper 2 Russell Bryant Jr - Balancing Cyber Risk and Investment with Mission Execution and Success – Are Improvements Available? – Balance Factors’ Discussion and Suggestions paper presentation
Paper 31 George Galdorisi, Jose Carreno and Paul Shigley - Ensuring Allies and Coalition Partners Can Leverage C4ISR Technologies to Manage Cyber Risk to Mission paper presentation
Session 15A
Paper 33 J Mark Pullen, Brian Wardman and James Ruth Experimental Evaluation of a Command and Control – Simulation Interoperation Standard in a Coalition Environment paper presentation
Paper 48 Anderson Ferreira De Oliveira, Tomas Aquino Botelho and Manoel Pedro Sá - Command and Control Interoperability Middleware Architecture (INTERC2) paper presentation
Paper 27 Adam Brook, Brian Wardman, Kevin Galvin and Deryck Arnold - Implementing a Prototype Reach-back Capability for Decision Support in Multi-domain and Coalition Operations paper presentation