Track 4

Sessions 4B 8B

Cognitive and Socio-technical Challenges

Chair: Aletta Eikelboom

Session 4B

Paper 73 Irena Ali and Keely McKinlay - The Dungeon Effect: The importance of biophilic design to C2 effectiveness in military environments paper presentation

Paper 68 Carien Van T Wout, Shaun Ball and Heloise Pieterse - Management of Deployment Stress in the Cyber Age paper presentation

Paper 47 Arild Bergh - Massage the message: Modularising software for influence operation detection in social media paper presentation

Session 8B

Paper 12 Rudolph Oosthuizen and Carien Van'T Wout - A Sociotechnical System Perspective on Artificial Intelligence Implementation for Modern Intelligence Systems paper presentation

Paper 16 Celine Karud, Frank Johnsen and Trude Bloeum - A socio-cognitive perspective on implementation and use of smart technology in the Norwegian home guard paper presentation

Paper 74 Esther Kox, José Kerstholt, Tom Hueting, Jonathan Barnhoorn and Aletta Eikelboom - Autonomous Systems as Intelligent Teammates:  Social Psychological Implications paper presentation