Track 5
Session 4C
Highly Connected, Automated, and Autonomous Forces
Chair: Marco Manso and Frank-Trethan Johnsen
Paper 8 - Neil Rowe, James Zhou and Arijit Das - Distributed combat identification of aircraft paper presentation
Paper 13 - Jeff Vu, Viral, Samia Ali, Johanna Flores, Haiqiao Lin, Daniel Silva, Allen Qiu, Luis Martinez , James Jen, Steve Fogg, Jose Carreno, Dr. Stephanie Hszieh - Using Automation to speed up software delivery to the fleet paper presentation
Paper 32 - George Galdorisi - Producing Military Unmanned Systems Even Lawyers Can Love paper presentation
Paper 37 - Marco Manso, Frank Johnsen, Kevin Chan, Norman Jansen, Andrew Toth and Trude Bloebaum - Mobile Tactical Force Situational Awareness: Evaluation of Message Broker Middleware for Information Exchange paper presentation