Track 4

Cognitive and Socio-technical Challenges

Chair: Elizabeth Bowman

011 Does Group Conflict Improve Performance of Personnel and Organizations? Or Does It Really Matter in the Battlespace?

Russell Bryant

012 The New Equipment is Here, Now Comes the Hard Part: Cognitive and Sociotechnical Challenges in Network-Enabled Mission Command

John Hawley, Michael Swehla, Mark Huron and Troy Smith

042 Human Interpretation of Text and Video Analytics

Elizabeth K. Bowman, Marie-Eve Jobidon and Alexandre Bergeron Guyard

063 The Common Operational Picture – a Powerful Enabler or a Cause of Severe Misunderstanding?

Ulrik Spak

083 Building International Cooperation in the Research and Development Community

Jose Carreno, Paul Shigley and Shirley Pacheco