Track 1

Operational Issues: Coalition Command and Control 

Chair:  Mark Miller

004 Improving C2 Alignment and Integration

Ken Teske, Michael Tisdel, Mark Miller, Patrick Guerin and William Fleser 

018 Spectrum Sharing Initiatives: Federal Response to Escalating Military and Commercial Demands

Jonathan Agre, Karen Gordon and Marius Vassiliou

025 Protecting Information Sharing Systems with Commercial Solutions for Classified Encryption

Mark Miller, Ken Teske, Mike Tisdel and Patrick Guerin

026 Pre-Shared Key-Enabled CSfC: A Positively Disruptive Technology and Enabler for Next Generation MPE Secure Communications

Patrick Guerin, Mark Miller, Mike Tisdel and Ken Teske

034 Enhancement of Battlespace Information Management Systems for Coalition Networks using C2 Agility Design Concepts

Gregory Judd and Kevin Chan

057 Simulating Multi-Cultural Coalitions: Why Doesn’t Benny Die?

Tim Grant

060 The Agile Approach

Jonas Alastair Juhlin

071Command and Control for the Global Network of Navies

George Galdorisi, Stephanie Hszieh and John Morrison