[018] Reasoning about Unknown Objects and Dependencies in C2 Networks Using Value of Information
Brian Drabble
[032] The Missions & Means Framework Ontology: Matching Military Assets to Mission Objectives
Paul Deitz, Britt Bray, Michael Kolodny and James Michaelis
[036] Making sense of the cyber-rich mission battlespace: causality and Mission C2
Simon Smith, Dick Whittington and Mark Balmer
[038] Representing complexity for military decision-making
Sven Anders Christensson
[041] Interface Design and Assessment of Situational Awareness and Workload for an Adaptable Multimodal Crew Assistance System based on NATO Generic Vehicle Architecture
Manas Pradhan and Daniel Ota
[047] Approaches to Operational Art Revisited: Theoretical and Practical Implications of Methodology
Robert Erdeniz
[052] An Information Management Framework for C2 Data Analysis in Tactical Operations Centers
Laurel Sadler and James Michaelis
[054] Enhancing change detection of the unexpected in monitoring tasks – guiding visual attention in command and control assessment
Ulrik Spak and Else Nygren
[059] Squad Level Command and Control Using the Myo for Tactical Hand Signal Recognition
Michael Lee, Andre Harrison and Robert Winkler
[069] Developing the cognitive and social dimensions of ‘understanding capability’
Patrick Turner and Lorraine Dodd
[075] MINI-DASS: a new Missions & Means Framework ontological approach for ISR PED missions .....the magic rabbits
Michael A. Kolodny, Tien Pham and Paul H. Deitz