21st ICCRTS Proceedings
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Topic 4: Socio-technical Networks in Complex Connected Battlespace
[020] Self-adaptivity and Structure Optimization and Control for Network-Enabled C2 Systems
Heng Wang, Ming Lei and Shuangling Wang
[024] Analysis of the Aggregated Value of the Information that is delivered to the Decision-maker in Command and Control Systems
Marcelo Jose Camilo, Andersonn Kohl, David Fernandes Cruz Moura and Leonardo Henrique Moreira
[025] Human Computer Collaboration at the Edge: Enhancing Collective Situation Understanding with Controlled Natural Language
Alun Preece, William Webberley, Dave Braines, Erin Zaroukian and Jonathan Bakdash
[048] New Hybrid Warfare Challenges: Defining Socio-technical Military Requirements
Elizabeth Bowman, Rebecca Goolsby and Eric Hansen
[058] Understanding Social Media Networks through Trending Analysis
Marie-Eve Jobidon and Bruce Forrester
[062] AADT software: A training tool for Commanders preparing Warfighters for various battlefield tasks
Adrienne Raglin and Andre Harrison