21st ICCRTS Proceedings

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Papers by Authors with Last Names that begin with L - O

The number(s) following the Author are the track papers numbers

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Lee, Michael 59

Lei, Ming 20

Lenzi, Rita 64

Lesueur, Kenneth 16

Leung, Alice 65

Li, Tingting 30

Louvieris, Professor Panos 9

Lu, Xiaoming 30


Mao, Xiaobing 30

Marcus, Kelvin 65

Markham, Geoff 15

Markham, Sarah 80

Mepham, Kevin 9

Metzger, Richard 84

Michaelis, James 32  52  61

Miller, Mark 1

Moore, Calandra 73

Moorhead, Patricia 23

Moreira, Leonardo 21  24

Moura, David Fernandes Cruz 24


Nygren, Else 54


Oosthuizen, Rudolph 46

Ota, Daniel 40  41  66