21st ICCRTS Proceedings

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Papers by Authors with Last Names that begin with H -K

The number(s) following the Author are the track papers numbers

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Hansen, Eric 48

Hardy, Rommie 65

Harrison, Andre 59  62

Hieb, Michael 44  60  

Hilton, Jeremy 15

Hingst, Rachel 82   84

Hoffman, Robert 10

Hofmann, Martin 82


Ishikawa, Edison 21


Jensen, Dennis 44

Jin, Xin 30

Jobidon, Marie-Eve 17   58

Johansson, Björn 49


Kalloniatis, Alexander 14   45

Kamien, David 83

Kase, Sue 57

Kettler, Brian 84

Kohl, Andersonn 21  24

Kohn, Elizabeth 45

Kolodny, Michael 32   75   85

Kucukkaya, Goksel 55