21st ICCRTS Proceedings

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Papers by Authors with Last Names that begin with D - G

The number(s) following the Author are the track papers numbers

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Deitz, Paul 32   75

Dilmaghani, Raheleh 31

Dodd, Lorraine 15  69

Drabble, Brian 18

Dron, Will 65

Durham, Jayson 50


Edwards, Gary 84

El Abdouni Khayari, Rachid 5

Erdeniz, Robert 47


Fernandes, Ricardo 60

Fleser, William 1

Foltz, Kevin 2

Forrester, Bruce 58


Gabrys, Ryan 50

Galvin, Kevin 22

Gerz, Michael 51

Ghinea, Gheorghita 9

Goolsby, Rebecca 48

Grant, Tim 11

Guo, Katherine 82

Gupton, Kevin 12

Gustafson, Eric 50