Topic 5: Modeling and Simulation

This topic encompasses models and simulations that represent emergent behaviors in C2.

Paper 008

Title:  Evolutionary Development of Command and Control Systems of Systems Simulations
Point of Contact (POC):  Mary Ann Cummings
POC Email Address:
POC Phone Number: 540 653 5419
POC Organization: NSWCDD
Country: US
Authors: Mary Ann Cummings, Clint Winfrey

(Full Paper Here)

Paper 077

Title: System Dynamics Modelling of Situation Awareness
Point of Contact (POC): Rudolph Oosthuizen
POC Email Address:
POC Phone Number: +27 82 733 6355
POC Organization: CSIR
Country: South Africa
Authors: Rudolph Oosthuizen - CSIR
Leon Pretorius - University of Pretoria

(Full Paper Here)