Submissions Requirements
All submissions must include the following information:
Title of Paper (15 word max)
Topic(s) choose one primary topic and two alternates.
Name of Author(s)
Student Paper (if appropriate, see eligibility requirements below)
Point of Contact (POC) who will be responsible for all correspondence with the ICCRTS team.
POC Name
POC Organization
POC Complete Address
POC Telephone
POC E-mail Address
Abstract (300 word maximum)
In addition to the abstract, we encourage authors to submit an outline for the full paper which will enable us to provide early feedback.
Eligibility for Student Paper
All students who are currently enrolled as graduate students and have earned 6 credit hours or more or are undergraduates and have 12 credit hours or more (or the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) equivalent) of courses are eligible to submit ICCRTS abstracts/papers as a student. The level and current stage of study must be included (undergraduate: e.g., sophomore, or graduate: Master’s or Research Doctoral degrees, number of years in program). Abstract submissions must provide proof of student status with either a written statement from the department chair or a copy of the college or university course schedule for the current or immediate past quarter or semester. When more than one author is listed on the paper, it may be designated as a student paper if and only if the student applicant is the primary author (listed first and identified as student). If the other authors are faculty members, the faculty adviser must provide a written statement affirming that the student contributed to over 50 percent of the content.
Acceptance Criteria
The following criteria will be used by track chairs and symposium staff in their review process:
1. The paper is appropriate for the theme and topics of Symposium.
2. The paper is intellectually stimulating.
3. The literature review is adequate/appropriate.
4. The research design is adequate/appropriate.
5. The data analysis is adequate/appropriate.
6. The conclusions are reasonable.
7. The paper advances the state of knowledge.
8. The paper is logical and consistent.
9. The paper’s argument is persuasive.
10. The writing is clear and readable.
Papers will not be accepted if:
1. Topics stray from the conceptual focus of the Symposium.
2. Attempts are made to promote or sell specific goods and/or services.
3. Claims are unsubstantiated or facts are inaccurate.
4. Scientific merit is lacking.
5. Writing/explanations are poor.
Review and Acceptance Process
The study of Command and Control, and this Symposium have grown significantly over the years. This has resulted in an increasing number of paper submissions competing for the available time slots. Revised deadlines have been implemented to increase the amount of time for Track Chairs to review draft papers and provide detailed feedback to authors, as well as increase the amount of time for authors to revise their papers. This is our ongoing effort to ensure an event of the highest possible quality. We believe that these steps will allow authors to improve their papers and presentations, and thereby improve the overall value of the Symposium.
While we have found abstracts useful in identifying papers that are, for any number of reasons, not appropriate for this Symposium, abstracts do not provide enough information for decisions regarding paper acceptance. Therefore, while we will still continue to accept abstracts as first submissions, authors are urged to submit papers for review as soon as possible. We will make every effort to provide timely feedback to authors. This rolling review process enables us to give the required attention to all papers that are submitted and maximize the time available for authors to make modifications to improve their papers. We understand that many authors will be in the middle of projects when the time comes to submit first drafts of their papers. If this is the case, this should be noted and we will expect the author to update the paper and presentation prior to final submission.
Thank you for your participation in the ICCRTS. If accepted, your professional paper will be included in a CD of the Symposium proceedings and both your paper and your presentation will be posted on the ICCRTS section of Please review the author guidelines and timelines to ensure that you are aware of and adhere to the ICCRTS submission process.